Ewerdt Hilgemann


Serielle Formationen Daimler Berlin 2017

Elementary research has from the beginning characterized Hilgemann’s work. After experiments in the sixties with subtle, white wooden wall pieces, catching light, he turned into a conceptual sculptor, using natural stone, as well as steel in series of works. In 1980 he introduced randomness and natural powers beyond his control into his working method. Much to his surprise, he found that also the unpredictable is subject to natural laws, to which he soon could anticipate. Is there anything softer than air, more vital for human beings, breathing in and out? Yet, this same air is capable of pressing, folding large steel containers, once the air is being evacuated. That force has become Hilgemann’s tool.


Opening MagnanMetz, NYC, 2014

geboren in Witten/ Ruhr

Universität Münster

Werkkunstschule  und Universität des Saarlandes

Künstlersiedlung Asterstein, Koblenz

Stipendien und Preise: Aldegrever Gesellschaft, Münster, Fritz Berg Stiftung, Hagen, Stadt Gelsenkirchen

Gelsenkirchen, u. a. Künstlersiedlung Halfmannshof

Gorinchem/ Niederlande, u. a. Kunstcentrum Badhuis 

Mitglied der internationalen Künstlergruppe "Arbeitskreis"

Atelier und teilweise Aufenthalt in Carrara/ Italien

Dozent an der Kunstakademie Rotterdam

Studienreise durch Europa

Umzug nach Amsterdam

Ausstellungen und regelmäßiger Aufenthalt in Los Angeles

lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam

Selected Public Art Projects/ Collections

Storm King Art Centre Sculpture Park, artist with sculpture by Menashe Kadishman, USA

Sculpture Triennial Bad Ragaz, Switzerland and Vaduz, Liechtenstein  Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, Belgium
Studiogalerie der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt 1964-68
Kansas City, Kansas City Art Institute

Artzuid Sculpture Route Amsterdam (Catalogue)
Blickachsen Sculpture Bad Homburg and Goethe Campus Frankfurt a. Main (Catalogue)
Daimler Contemporary, Serielle Formationen, Berlin (Catalogue)

Mirror Tree, Private Collection, NL
EUREF Campus Berlin, four segments of a cube

Havana Biennal, City of Havana, Cuba
Habakuk, Chicago University Campus, USA 
Pyramid, 12.century Castle Ravensteyn, NL

Imploded Cube, Kunsthalle Bremen, Germany
Park Ave Sculpture Project NYC (Catalogue)
Imploded Cube, Kröller Müller Museum Otterlo, NL

Flottman Hallen, Zentrum für Kunst und Kultur, Herne, Germany 
Anninga Hof, Sculpture Park, Zwolle, NL 
Cube Structures, Jo& Marlies Eyck Collection, Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht

Three Graces, Messer Group, Bad Soden, Germany
Imploded Column (Flamingo), Elgiz Museum , Istanbul, Turkey

Imploded Column, New Pacific, Berverly Hills, California

Quint, Hervormd Lyceum, Amsterdam, NL

Double-Up, Aegon Collection, Den Hague, NL

Panta Rhei, City of Hünfeld

Wooden relief, Dordrechts Museum, NL
Imploded Cube, City of Gorinchem

Wall-Sculpture, Ruppert Collection, Museum im Kunstspeicher, Würzburg

Cerberus, Investment Bank Berlin, Berlin

Imploded Cube, Il-San Lake Sculpture Park, Ko-Yang City, South Korea

Sárospatak Implosion, City of Sárospatak, Hungary

Raumkonstruktion, Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt

Delft Implosion, Delft University, NL 

Water Stones, City of Ingolstadt, Germany 

Homage to Brancusi, Galati, Romania 

Reflection, City of Nivala, Finland 

Plus-Minus co-production with Jan van Munster, City of Gorinchem, NL  

Tension, City of Rotterdam, NL 

Natura Artis Magistra, University Nymwegen, NL
Imploded Cube, City of Elblag, Poland
Imploded Pyramid, City of Kleinsassen, Germany

Exploded Sphere, City of Dordrecht, NL
Imaginary Landscape, IWO, Amsterdam
Implosion, Museum Lenbachhaus, Munich, Germany

Finnish Landscape, City of Kemi, Finland

Selected Works

Sculptures - small size

Sculptures mid size

Sculptures large scale

60-ies / Zero Period


Showroom Feb 2018

with selected artworks by Ewerdt Hilgemann, Stefan Krygier and Antoni Starowieyski

Kansas City Art Institute

KCAI Announces Sculpture Walk Bridging Museums “Dancers” by Ewerdt Hilgemann is the First Installation

Daimler Contemporary Berlin Serielle Formationen 1967/ 2017

Re-staging of the First German Exhibition of International Tendencies in Minimalism

Blickachsen Kurpark Bad Homburg und Goethe University Frankfurt a.Main

Hilgemann has set up three major sculptures for the sculpture biennale

EUREF Campus Berlin

Four parts of a cube

POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair 2022

we would like to invite you to POSITIONS BERLIN ART FAIR taking place from September 14-18 2022 in the historical Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 5-6.
The gallery is presenting a refined selection of paintings and sculptures by the artists Ewerdt Hilgemann, KITRA, Peter Ruehle, Bosco Sodi and Stephen Wilks.
Looking forward to seeing you at our Booth D 08 in Hangar .
For further information please contact us directly.

Habakuk installed on the Avenue of the Stars, Century City, L.A.

We are happy to share the wonderful news that the sculpture Habakuk (Homage to Max Ernst) by the artist Ewerdt Hilgemann has been successfully installed on 2151 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, California begin of 2023. This great piece of art made of stainless steel measures 20x6.5x6.5 feet.

Threesome installed on EUREF Campus Berlin

It is exciting news to share that the sculpture Threesome (Caryatids) by the artist Ewerdt Hilgemann has been successfully installed on the grounds of the reknown technology center EUREF in Berlin Schöneberg in summer 2021. The official inauguration in presence of the artist and CEO Reinhard Müller took place in October 2021. The sculpture formerly exhibited in the Park Avenue Sculpture Project in New York City is made of three parts, stainless steel, 600/550/500 x 100 x 100cm.

Launch of the Hilgemann Art Fund in cooperation with the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, NL

The Hilgemann Art Fund initiated by Ewerdt & Antoinette Hilgemann in cooperation with the Kröller Müller Museum in Otterlo, NL was launched in may 2022.
The first grant in 2021 was a contribution to the museum's acquisition of 6 video works by Jeroen Jongeleen (*1967), an artist from Rotterdam, that during Covid-lockdown started running in circles.
Quote from the museum text: “When the city parks are closed or access-restricted during the Coronavirus lockdowns, Jongeleen decides to reduce his running track to a circle with a diameter of twelve metres (approx. 40 ft.). In deserted areas where he is allowed to run - the roof of his studio building in Rotterdam, the Maasvlakte, the Oosterscheldekering in Zeeland or a grassy field near the Kröller-Müller Mueseum - he runs his circles, leaving a tempoary trail of his exertions. A drone films the solitary, intimate performances of the artist caught in a hamster wheel of his own creation.”